Energy guidance

Knowledge about and a good understanding of the complexity of the energy market is important to be able to plan the electrical infrastructure of the future. Optimum solutions require a comprehensive approach in which variables such as future energy needs, encroachments on nature, the environment and costs are thorough analysed and assessed. The increasing demand for and scarcity of clean electrical energy makes the planning of such infrastructure increasingly important.

Jøsok has worked on electrification, nowadays referred to as the ‘green transition’, since 1974 and has specialised expertise in electrical infrastructure. Our engineers do not just concentrate on the details of the power system but also the big picture. We thereby look at alternative solutions from a broad technical perspective, while also carrying out a thorough assessment of the financial viability of the different alternatives. All our assessments are based on a socio-economic approach, in which both current and future needs are analysed and considered.

Our expertise

Our energy advisers normally become involved in the projects at an early stage. They are often the ones who carry out the initial assessments of relevant issues relating to transmission lines, cable systems and substations. This can include studying a diverse range of issues such as power flow, finances, optimisation, the choice of routes and licence applications.


Contact persons

Kjetil Riseth Hegglid

Manager, Electrical Department
Mobile phone: (+47) 55 24 93 12

Claudio Hernandez

Discipline Lead, Electrical Department
Mobile phone: (+47) 55 24 93 03